Sunday, January 30, 2011

Justice For Bandit

Maybe someday we'll live 1,000 years. If we live that long maybe we'll figure out how to respect life - all life and how to nurture that respect in our children.

Click here if you want all the details about a how 24 year old Brent Connors, son of a retired police officer, murdered a four month old puppy. At least this story of animal abuse is getting press. There are good people out marching with signs demanding Justice For Bandit. They will keep it up, too. As well, there are petitions going around to make sure Connors gets the maximum jail time - possibly 45 days for the attack. Whopee!

Of course, there are questions in every direction of this terrible incident that come to mind. Why did Connors do it? What was he like as a person? Was he psychotic? Why? How was he raised?

My blanket explanation for that kind of traumatic event is that we don't live long enough. Twenty to twenty five years to become adult, another twenty to thirty whirlwind years raising a family, then the start of the declining years. I'm in the later part now. I call myself a matriarch because it's the sanest I've ever been. I think if we had 1,000 years to sort out life's problems, we'd end wars, poverty and struggles that we have barely any time to put to mind at present.

In the meantime, how about signing the petition? They have them at the SPCA on Napier Street, here in Victoria. There's also a facebook page asking people to write their MLA's to demand stronger laws governing animal rights.

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